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Professional Tree Services

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(270) 776-6898

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Professional Tree Services

We offer a variety of Tree Services including:

  • Climbing
  • Canopy Cutbacks
  • Large Tree Removal
  • Multi-Tree Removals
  • Stump Removal

Please contact us for more information and details.

Safety First

We always work to ensure that safety is our number one priority - for our team and your project.

Clear Communication

We also work to make sure we are completing the job per the requirements you expect.

15+ Years Experience

We’ve seen our fair share of projects and situations that can come with Tree Removal. We have the experience, tools, and know-how to get your job done on-time and on-budget. Please let us know if you have any special considerations with your project and we’ll be happy to work with you in getting the job done right!

Best quality support

Money back guarantee

Cheap price provider


Design with Distinction

Welcome to Garda. For 25 years, we have brought our signature design aesthetic to public and private gardens throughout New York City. Our goal is to increase the natural beauty of every landscape.

Variation Gardening

Verdant foliage and native plants create a lush look for this landscape.

Professional Landscaping

Professional landscaping requires creativity, a sense of design.